Masculine Core
Frequently Asked Questions
The answer to this question is nuanced and involved. In short, I have have lived an adventurous life, both in travel and outward experience, as well as inner investigation and inquiry. Having studied with many great teachers and synthesizing all my learnings into my own unique approach, I believe that I bring to Masculinity Coaching a well rounded, grounded and experienced skillset, and a heart and mind that has been well tested in the crucible of life.
Self confidence arises from a honest and deep appreciation of oneself. Self-confidence is an inevitability as an outcome when a seeker applies himself to self knowing. As a mentor, I guide men into clear seeing of the truth of themselves, and the unique, magnificence of their being. Self confidence is also a practice, whereby taking right action in the world, based on the values of our personal truth, one can demonstrate to oneself their inherent value and build a sense of confidence from this place.
Being a Mentor for young men has allowed me to really get to know them. By building a relationship of trust, vulnerability and transparency in a rock-solid container of safety, young men always flourish and grow into their unique potential. Mostly, I simply endeavor to appreciate, respect, love and honor the men I work with, and that setting alone is a powerful catalyst for personal growth. When we add in the lifetime of knowledge, skills and practices that I offer, we have a field where growth and personal development come easily. I recommend reading some of the testimonials to hear directly from my past clients for more clarity on this.
‘We cannot heal what we cannot feel’, is a truth that I have long appreciated. There are many techniques to guide someone into feeling the hard things, and also to express these hard things in healthy ways. Like most things worth learning, it takes practice, and with the right kind of practice, emotional intelligence, including healthy emotional expression is bound to be achieved.
This is a great question, and one that is easily answered. It really comes down to how grounded is a man in his own personal truth? A foundation of the coaching I offer is to guide men back to their inner authority, to be strong and stable in the storm of outer opinions. To know and trust oneself regardless of the pressure surrounding them. As to the nature of their truth around masculinity… well that is something we get to discover together.
Relationships are a practice. Like any practice, it takes effort, discipline and skill. Healthy relationships are built on respect, appreciation, trust, communication, as well as a great may other variables. All of us have our strengths as well as our weaknesses in relationships. What we do in coaching work is to identify what these areas are and strategically leverage our strengths and strengthen our weaknesses, all while using real world relationships as our dojo.
Often this is simply a matter of gaining clarity on the true values of the man. If his lived experience is in conflict or misalignment with his values, we strategically adjust his behaviors together to help him find the harmony of being in balance.
My previous career was as a holistic health coach and orthopedic rehabilitation specialist, which gave me a deep appreciation of the importance of overall health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). I have found it to be true that if our physical health is suffering, then it is inevitable that our psycho-emotional health, as well as our spiritual connection will also be suffering.
It is imperative that a man first learn how to lead himself. By developing the skills of self leadership, he will naturally also learn the skills in leading others. The evidence of his leadership ability will be in the way he leads his life. As his life comes into balance and prosperity, so too will he find opportunity to lead others into greater balance and prosperity in their own lives.
About Terence
I grew up without a present Father and no healthy male role models to speak of.
I fumbled my way through my youth and well into adulthood before I claimed my own sense of manhood.
It was hard, confusing, and painful. But it didn’t need to be. It took me a long time to realize that I needed support from other men. Once I asked for, and accepted the support of honorable men, my life powerfully changed.
My journey has led me to the natural evolution of offering the same thing to other men that my younger self was yearning for, yet too proud, too scared, or too ashamed to ask for; Support.