Men's Coach and Mentor

"As a coach in Temple, I consider myself a mirror. My sacred role is to reflect people back to themselves with the intention that they may come to know their true self."

masculinity coaching

Born in Australia, and raised on a small farm on the outskirts of Brisbane, Terence Carfrae was the eldest son of six children.

Following a challenging childhood and rebellious youth, he found his calling in the health and wellness arena in his early 20s. After working in Australia’s leading health retreats and organizations, he traveled abroad and settled in California in 2003.  Returning to study, he added skills in orthopedic rehabilitation, and functional medicine and set up a practice in Santa Barbara.  

Expanding his practice to incorporate the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health in his work, he has continued to study these fields and explore their relevant techniques within his practice to create a more holistic approach. The merging of his health coaching with this new understanding of life coaching occurred in 2015.

The Men’s Work aspect of Terence’s practice began taking shape in 2010 when he first began sitting in men’s groups.  Terence has led groups, workshops, and retreats for men over the past several years while maintaining his coaching and mentoring program.  

Terence brings multi-faceted approach to coaching.  He founded ‘Temple’ in 2015 and has used this as a home for his work, which continues to evolve to this day.

Terence's Credentials

  • B. Health Science (Sport & Exercise Science)
  • CHEK Practitioner Levels I,II,III.
  • CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach I,II,III
  • Journey’s of Wisdom Holistic Coach
  • Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN)
  • Metabolic Typing Practitioner CMTA level I
  • Remedial Massage Therapist

Temple Philosophy

“We are all whole, complete and perfect as we are, right now. Our path ahead is to learn, grow and connect to this life with as much presence as possible.

The body and mind which you inhabit is your personal Temple.  Within your Temple lies your inner authority, your sovereign self.”

You are the Temple

Your life is your devotion

And within you Your Inner King awaits.

Many are called, few are chosen.

It is the intractable itch in the minds and hearts of men that brings them to this work.

It is a feeling of lack; Lack of true purpose. Lack of clear direction. Lack of an unshakable connection to their own Truth.  It is the absence of the King Energy.  

Men who are trapped in the endless seeking of ever-greener grass.  

Men living in quiet desperation, while their hearts are craving purposeful lives of veracity and passion.

These are men that are ready to accept they have been misdirected by the world into believing that the answer to their suffering lies outside of themselves. 

This is a journey we must all make. The return to our Sovereign Truth.